August 31, 2006

Ssssnake Hollow

A less common yet accurately descriptive name for the little valley we live in is Snake Hollow. This is a photo of a blacksnake that my cat Owen caught and brought home. When Owen was an indoor kitty I knitted him a cute little snake toy to play with, which he absolutely loved. It has been coming back to haunt me now that O ventures outdoors and has discovered that there are LOTS of these little things hiding out in the woods and they move all on their own! Owen just adores snakes and will gently carry them home in his mouth, trying not to trip on their dangling tails as he runs. Occasionally he will manage to sneak one into the kitchen. Fortunately he has only found harmless garter snakes and blacksnakes. Owen is very persistent in his attempts to keep his snakes as housepets and the regular broom-aided snake re-release program I manage has almost completely desensitized me of my discomfort around snakes. (photo by Mary P)

Starting this Friday, September 1st, the Snake Hollow Stringband (Mary Predny on fiddle, Skip Slocum on banjo, Bob Browder on guitar, and Rusty May on bass) will be raising the roof the first friday of every month at the Floyd Country Store at 9:30pm. Come on out and ssssssshake yer tail!


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